Echotourizm vol. 2
Dear readers. Echotourist still living, although in recent time we have nothing particular to say. But as people say in a proverb - "The calm is just before the storm."
So now we glad to introduce to you second volume of ECHOTOURIZM. Today we officially announce the appointment of tracks in the compilation. So begin to tune your DAWs, synths, reverbs and delays.
So now we glad to introduce to you second volume of ECHOTOURIZM. Today we officially announce the appointment of tracks in the compilation. So begin to tune your DAWs, synths, reverbs and delays.

Don't forget to use our dropbox. And certainly we receive sounds on email.
for the hood...
As a neighbors we try to support each other. This post about Rainy Tree House bro from Omsk and his EP. Check out Psee remix of Clonki's "Ragpicker" and other reworks featuring Cream Child, Aleph and Stereo Silence.
FPRF - Crystallization Point (Single)
We glad to present this big tunes today on our blog. A single by FPRF named «Crystallization Point» sounds autumnally and reminds of the fragility of life. Pay attention to the remixes created by very reputable producers. They are russian mysterious furure garage pioneer Nocow and australian based beatsmith Ta-ku.
Dropbox Tunes #2
Доброго времени суток.
Сегодня продолжаем ставшую доброй традицией рубрику Dropbox Tunes. В которой публикуем аудиоматериалы, которые нам попадают, в основном, как вы уже догадались, через наш Dropbox. Сразу хочу заметить, что отдельные композиции стали для нас даже своего рода открытием, что вдвойне приятно в наш переполненный информацией век. Спасибо эхогостям за участие и за достойной вклад каждого из них в наше общего дело.
No comments. Music says for itself
Patience RMXS
Hello, echoreaders!
Let's remind our dreampop quartet.
First tune was too much impressive. Now we've got they all.
First tune was too much impressive. Now we've got they all.

Special thanks to all participants.
Sunrise in Glasgow
Примерно в конце прошлого лета к нам пришло письмо от некоего Iain Foxwell пришло письмо с кратким описанием того, что он близок к нам по духу, а также ссылкой на его soundcloud. Год назад в силу многих обстоятельств мы не смогли написать о чем рефлексирует молодой шотландец в своих короткометражных звуковых зарисовках. Для дружественного блога Iain уже успел записать гостевой микс. Но напор и рвение быть услышанным все же подтолкнули нас к небольшому диалогу с проектом Holobeams & Broken Mashines. Текст публикуется на оригинальном языке.
- Hello Iain, we would like to have a few words from you about your recent tracks and the project Holobeams. We are interested what equipment was used, and tell us some about Glasgow?
My recent tracks were created as a small 2 track release called Clouds/Sunrise. They are really a further progression from my previous 2 e.p's. I am very influenced from all music but for this project specifically bands like Boards of Canada, Com Truise, Washed Out and many others. Recently i really enjoyed the Drive soundtrack which has subsequently influenced my music. I am generally looking to create a dream like, and uplifting vibe if possible with Holobeams & Broken Machines music.
I wrote the music on Ableton but employed many VST's to try and add a lofi, old school tape type effect. I use a lot of synths (Moog, Native Instruments FM8, impOSCar) which lends itself to the older styles more. I have many old hardware synths like the Juno 106 but have not used them recently as the Ableton and Vst's offer much easier creative workflow i feel.
Glasgow is actually an amazing city for electronic artists and Scotland in general has produced some big players (Most notably Boards of Canada, Rustie, Hudson Mohawke). If you are looking for some cool up and coming Glasgwegian electronic artists check out guys like Grobbie, Cur$es, Barrientos, MermaidS. In fact there is a blog called http://www.synthglasgow.com which always showcases the best in Glasgow & Scotland. Check it out if you can.
P.S. Oh yeah, for drums i like to use a lot of Roland 707's 808's.
Dropbox Tunes
мы незаслуженно забросили писать о тех работах, что шлют нам на soundcloud, поэтому сегодня сразу 2 трека от наших друзей уже отметившихся на сборнике.
Space Holiday Rocks - RAW
This Saturday SHR presented his first full album. Everyone who attended our party has got the CD. But today, you can download the album for free at our bandcamp.
Echotourist community presents
art work,
Free music,
Public Transport,
Space Holiday Rocks,
Echotourist Youth
За два года существования нам очень приятно наблюдать как мы продвинулись в сторону улучшения качества информационного наполнения, это и музыка и визуальная составляющая. Но вдвойне приятно, так же, и констатировать тот факт, что наше сообщество растет и пополняется. И постоянные коллаборации между участниками комьюнити разбавляют молодые артисты со своими свежими идеями. Можно ли считать это преемственностью поколений? - Почему бы и нет. А вот и наши дебютанты, встречайте - юные мечтатели с casio, Heatherwood.

Hello, we are Maksim and Darya, and we are dream\synth-pop duo from Novosibirsk, Russia. We are couple of seventeen yo kids and we are in love with 80's scandinavian aesthetics, old analogue\japanese kids synths and each other.
Hello friends.
Today we celebrate our birthday. And we are pleased to announce the compilation, attended by everyone who was close with us in spirit. Geography of participants is very extensive. And we hope to further expand the location of our participants. Check it. And thank you for all this time have been with us.
Hello everyone! Today... тоесть сегодня будет пост на русском. Во-первых, спешим поздравить, братьев по разуму, а также наших дальних приятелей из города Красноярск с выходом альбома.
Шуга (2012) by Eholow
Речь идет о группе "Эхолов" (Eholow). На данную группу невозможно не обратить внимание, особенно учитывая специфику нашего блога. Сказать об этих парнях можно немного, разве только что репетируют они в избе, а на записи они используют исключительно hardware средства. Вот так пишет о них FarFromMoscow:
Кстати на том же FFM можно прочитать о нашем последнем релизе Speck - Harmonia.
The kind of music to accompany you on a journey." And so, in that vagrant spirit, the two musicians responsible for enacting these ideas call themselves Echolov or "Эхолов/Eholov" which in direct translation might read "Echo-Catch[er]." It refers, apparently, to "some ancient [mystical] practice." Sounds of pre-modern consequence have been drowned out by clamorous, often commercial chatter. They can only be discerned nowadays through a rejection of pragmatic enterprise. More can be done with less noise.
Speck - Harmonia
Today we glad to introduce another new author - Speck. His sound landscapes filled with noise and particles of music that we used to call avant-garde minimalistic neoclassical. 6 track EP can be downloaded on our bandcamp.
Space Holiday Disco !
Today we are pleased to present two new works by Space Holiday Rocks. Check it, listen and DANCE!
CIRCLES•MIRACLE DISCO by Space Holiday Rocks
Future Monolith by Space Holiday Rocks
CIRCLES•MIRACLE DISCO by Space Holiday Rocks
Future Monolith by Space Holiday Rocks
Public Transport over Atlantic Ocean
Hey. We have already appeared on the news of the upcoming compilation. This is not about that, but now the promised interview with overseas friends. The first our acquaintance with the project Public Transport started from the Psee's mix. There are two tracks: "Mondlicht" and "Up All Night". A year later, already watching the Duncan (sole author and participant), we could not ignore his new work, and also invited to provide us with one of his tracks for our upcoming compilation. So meet a guy from Atlantic Coast - Public Transport (Bar Harbor, ME, US)
- How did you start making music?
My first experience writing music was with ModPlug Tracker back in 1999. It had a really steep learning curve, but the cool thing was that tracker music is shared as a project file, so I was able to look inside songs I liked and figure out how they'd done things- I learned a lot of music theory that way. Netpoet's drum n' bass track "Peachy" is still one of my favorites from back then- the tracker scene was definitely a big influence for me in my formative years.
- What are your biggest musical influences?
Wow, where should I start? I've always liked Boards of Canada- I can put "Geogaddi" on, close my eyes, and have the sound textures set off all these colors in my head. They've definitely been an influence in terms of how I build soundscapes- we share a lot in terms of fuzzy, synaesthetic sounds.
Apart from that, Ulrich Schnauss has been a huge influence- "A Strangely Isolated Place" really struck a chord with me when I first heard it back in 2004, and I think its combination of melancholy and happiness really resonated with what it's like to live in Maine.

I use my home PC with FL Studio to host a variety of VST instruments- Green Oak's freeware Crystal synth has been a major part of my sound, as well as various Moog and Juno softsynths for pads and such. I've been building a sample library for about 12 years now, which comes in handy at times when I need the right snare drum or ambient noise.
- How do you promote your work?
Maine doesn't have a very big population, so there really isn't a critical mass of like- minded people here that would support playing live shows. I actually reach most of my audience through the Internet! So far, I've released two EPs online, one independently and one through the Swedish 23seconds Netlabel. I also reach a lot of people through Soundcloud- my account just hit 11,000 plays. A lot of the time it's because I've been linked by a blog- It's really nice to go online and see some blogger in France has written a bunch of nice stuff about your latest release. Currently, I'm remastering and working on new material for a full-length album- I'd like to do a physical release, so right now I'm researching labels!
Maine doesn't have a very big population, so there really isn't a critical mass of like- minded people here that would support playing live shows. I actually reach most of my audience through the Internet! So far, I've released two EPs online, one independently and one through the Swedish 23seconds Netlabel. I also reach a lot of people through Soundcloud- my account just hit 11,000 plays. A lot of the time it's because I've been linked by a blog- It's really nice to go online and see some blogger in France has written a bunch of nice stuff about your latest release. Currently, I'm remastering and working on new material for a full-length album- I'd like to do a physical release, so right now I'm researching labels!
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